Hair Transplant

Implanter Hair Transplant, we are happy to provide you services with our competent team and result oriented treatments.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a surgical method applied by transplanting hair from the area with strong hair roots to the area with thin hair or no hair. Hair loss is one of the primary problems affecting millions of women and men around the world. If you are experiencing hair loss and are looking for a suitable hair transplant solution for you, the experienced team of Private Implanter Hair Transplant offers hair loss solutions with proven permanent hair transplantation techniques.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation, which is a surgical method applied to the area with thin hair or no hair, on the bread, is a gradually developing procedure. The surgeon cleans the scalp and applies anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain. The doctor selects one of the methods suitable for your hair for the transplantation process and initiates the procedure by forwarding it to you.

The surgeon typically removes the scalp from the back of the scalp and stitches the scalp area over the strip, concealing the area above and below the hair. The surgeon divides the strip into 500 to 2000 grafts containing a hair or bristle. The quality of the grafts depends on the hair type, color, and size.

Our specialists can shave the back of the scalp employing appropriate methods and take the hair follicles from there one by one. The area heals with narrow spots that your remaining hair will secure. From this point on, both processes are pretty much the same. After the preparation of the grafts, the surgeon cleans the recipient area and anesthetizes it with anesthesia. It produces small incisions with special needles and places each graft one by one into the holes.

Since the whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not endure any pain or ache. After the application, new hair follicles will grow and fall out afterward. This situation is extremely normal, and the hair that grows afterward will be completely permanent. Contact us for more detailed information!